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Katie's Feeding Story

Katie's Story ✨️

Time for a breastfeeding journey share. This one comes from @katiejobarratt and is definitely a great example of owning your own journey and drowning out the noise - thank you so much for sharing and congratulations on your 8 months feeding!

"When we first found out that I was pregnant, the one thing I was certain of was that I wanted to breastfeed.

Throughout pregnancy people would ask “well what if you can’t” but for me, there was no option of “if I can’t” I wanted to breastfeed and therefore I would.

My labour started off perfectly well, however after 24 hours I was rushed to theatre for an emergency section. I didn’t get the immediate skin to skin that I’d intended to have, or the perfect birth I’d dreamt of, but when the midwife asked if I wanted to feed my son, I was thrilled to cradle him in my arms and watch him latch on for the very first time.

I’ve been incredibly lucky with my breastfeeding journey so far. Almost 8 months in and I am loving every single moment of it. I’m so proud of myself for sticking to my decision and taking no notice of the people who asked “what if” 🤍"

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