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Abigail’s Feeding Story…

Abi breastfed her second daughter for just over 13 months and has shared her conflicted emotions about breastfeeding and how being a second time mum gave her the confidence to own her journey. All words are her own:

“I tried for 10 days to breastfeed my first baby.

She was tongue tied but we didn't find out until day 10. She was born at 9lb 3 and dropped to 6lb 2. I was encouraged to get her tongue tie cut but I was that heartbroken I had been starving her for so long that I became utterly obsessed in her intake in ounces and couldn't risk not knowing what she was getting from boob.

My second baby lost lots of weight at the start over the 10% but I think as a second time mum I was more confident to argue back with the midwife that I knew what I was doing. We supplemented boob for formula 1 feed a day till she was about 8 weeks and at birth weight.

I need to add as I feel it's important to show the other side...

I hated breastfeeding, I didn't enjoy it at all. It made me want to eat all day long, it made me not be able to wear the clothes I wanted, I felt like I had no routine, she wouldn't nap, she wouldn't go to anyone else, no one could support me. It caused endless friction between my partner and I as I needed help and he couldn't help me.


In hindsight, its one of my most proudest achievements and I do love breastfeeding and did love it. Just some times the bad days got the better of me. I think as I could compare to a formula fed baby who would nap on demand on her own, nap for long periods of time and I had a strict routine my life was much easier and more free-flowing.”

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